Aliases: Rompehuesos ('Bone breaker')
Name also reported as: N/A Age: 29 Gender: Male Date of Birth: Day:4 / Month:7 / Year:1924 Civil Status: Unknown Date of death/disappearance: Day:6 / Month:2 / Year:1959 Citizenship: N/ALast known address: Reparto Mantilla
Last known city: Havana
Last known province-TOD: La Habana
Last known province current: Ciudad de La Habana
Last known country: Cuba
Location death-address: La Cabaña Fortress prison
Location of death - city: Havana
Location of death province - at TOD: La Habana
Location of death province - current: Ciudad de La Habana
Location of death - country: Cuba
Trial held?: N/A
Docket Number: N/A
Sentence details: N/A
Arrest or detention at time of death: N/A
Date of arrest: N/A
Imprisoned/Detained: Location: La Cabaña Fortress prison
How long imprisoned/detained: N/A
Death attributed to: Castro regime
Death attribution detail: N/A
Associated Event: N/A
Cause of Death: - Execution: by firing squad
Occupations: - Protective Service Occupations
External Files: N/A
Relatives in Archive: N/A
Victim Type: - Government official (civilian, police, State Security, etc.)
Affiliations: N/A
Other Victims Same Event: - Case 9014: Miguel Angel Ares Polo