Aliases: N/A
Name also reported as: N/A Age: N/A Gender: Male Date of Birth: N/A Civil Status: Unknown Date of death/disappearance: Month:8 / Year:2014 Citizenship: N/ALast known address: N/A
Last known city: N/A
Last known province-TOD: N/A
Last known province current: N/A
Last known country: Cuba
Location death-address: At sea off the coast of Yucatan, Mexico
Location of death - city: N/A
Location of death province - at TOD: N/A
Location of death province - current: N/A
Location of death - country: N/A
Trial held?: No
Docket Number: N/A
Sentence details: N/A
Arrest or detention at time of death: No
Date of arrest: N/A
Imprisoned/Detained: Location: N/A
How long imprisoned/detained: N/A
Death attributed to: Castro regime
Death attribution detail: N/A
Associated Event: N/A
Cause of Death: - Exit attempt: dehydration/drowning/etc.
Occupations: N/A
External Files: N/A
Relatives in Archive: N/A
Victim Type: - Attempting exit
Affiliations: N/A
Other Victims Same Event: - Case 1133: Héctor Alejandro Bazán de la Paz - Case 1361: Carlos Manuel Pardo - Case 1798: Yaylin Milanés Santander - Case 1683: Rafael Baratuti O'Farrill - Case 1188: Eddy Miguel de la Paz Romero - Case 1379: Daylén Damisely de la Paz Milán - Case 1636: Humberto de la Paz Acosta - Case 1976: Alexis Sánchez Rosabal - Case 1986: René Ramón Cabrera Rubio - Case 1231: Nouris JoaquÃn de la Paz Milán - Case 1958: Yaimel Roberto Almeida Zamora